Announcements 1/19/25
(written announcements follow slides)
PRECEPTS. Precepts will kickoff with a study of the book of RUTH beginning on Wednesday, 22 January. All are welcome. Frontier Chapel, room 158, 0900.
SUNDAY SCHOOL 0945-1045.
Adult Class 1-Frontier Chapel, Room 158. MICAH. “Stephen Um takes us through the book of the prophet Micah, a book that engages with the challenge of heeding God's call to his people to live justly, extend mercy, and use our power and influence humbly.” Taught by Jim Harbridge.
Adult Class 2-Frontier Chapel, Room 150. THE FEASTS OF THE LORD. How the feasts point to Jesus and how they show us the way to serve in His kingdom. Bring your Bible as we use the Word of God for our study. Taught by Randy and Linda Klinger
Adult Class 3-Frontier Chapel, Room 153. EPHESIANS: OUR IMMEASUABLE BLESSINGS IN CHRSIT. Sundays at 0945, Optional Zoom Meeting ID 848 5837 0306. The believers in Ephesus are attempting to live by the power of the Holy Spirit, but are immersed in an evil culture and surrounded by pagan ways. Sound familiar? Expository Bible Study with Study Guide. 12 Jan, "The Riches of His Grace;" 19 Jan, meeting on MLK weekend, "Prayers that Please the Father;" 26 Jan, "Amazing Grace!". Taught by Dr. Dean Nowowiejski
4 & 5 year olds Pioneer Chapel, Room 132
1st & 2nd grade Pioneer Chapel, Room 133
3rd & 4th grade Pioneer Chapel, Room 121
5th & 6th grade Pioneer Chapel, Room 119
7th & 8th grade Pioneer Chapel, Room 118
9th -12th grade Pioneer Chapel, Room 120
NEXT WEEK: “The Coming of the Holy Spirit, Acts 2: 1-12 (Acts 2:11)
2 FEB: “Peter’s Pentecost Sermon, Acts 2: 14-41 (Acts 2:38)
9 FEB: “The Unity of the Believers”, Acts 2: 42-47 (Acts 2:42)
16 FEB: ”The Healing of a Lame Man”, Acts 3: 1-26 (Acts 3:18)
23 FEB: “Peter & John Before the Sanhedrin”, Acts 4:1-31 (Acts 4:20)
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